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                      FAITH LOVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

When you’re a Christian, being connected to local church in which you can be taught to live your life with grace and in faith is a vital part of your walk with God. Faith Love Christian Church is a bible teaching and a spirit filled church that honors the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. God is a triune unity of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We believe that speaking in other tongues is evidence of the infilling of the Holy Sprit, and it is a promise to all believers after the new birth. 

Our goal  is to teach you the word so that you can benefit from the plan God has already provided for you, to live the good Life.The plan is in the renewing of Your mind on the word of God. Renewing of the mind is not just academic knowledge, but in revelation knowledge from the word of God. God said that his people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. When you know the promises of God, you can have victory in your life. Faith Love Christian Church is a church that is not bound by the traditions of man. It is by grace that you are saved, not by the customs of a particular religion. While we believe in the sacraments of baptism and communion, we are not bound to them as the basis of our salvation. 

Come join us on Sunday morning for a worship experience that will bring you closer to God. Pastor Corprew has more than 25 years in the ministry and is an affiliate of Creflo Dollar Ministeral Association. He will present a message of faith and grace to give you hope as you deal with the stuggles in your day-to-day life. At Faith Love Christian Church you will find a church home that will help you grow in faith, and teach you the promises of God. We believe the church is a spiritual hospital where people can get help to live a better life. You could have had a bad experience just like you could have eaten a bad apple. We invite you to a life changing experience. 


    Loving People With God's Love

    ©2018 Faith Love Christian Church All Rights Reserved
    380 Broad St | Newark, NJ  07104 | 973-577-7084

    501(c)(3) Tax Exemp Organization